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New study: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts and Crafts
A short video explaining the Productivity Commission’s study into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and crafts. I project managed, filmed and edited this video, I also procured additional music and visuals from indigenous artists, authenticity is what this video is about.
Animated walk cycle
This 2D animation was based on a real walk captured by video for reference, it was created using After Effects, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Productivity Commission Graduate Recruitment Program - Invitation from the Chair, Michael Brennan
A short video introducing the Productivity Commission to economics graduates, an invitation to apply for the Grad Program.
This is stop motion/3d printing experiment that turned out quite a success. It is also a logo reveal for my brand.
Australia's Prison Dilemma
Short animated video about economics of Australia’s prisons system tom highlight finding of a research paper
Geoscience Australia Open Day 2014
The original artwork was created by another designer for the open day campaign, I pulled it apart in photoshop so I could animate it into a short trailer to promote the day.
Australia Minerals logo design
logo design and reveal for a brand promoting Australian government agencies internationally, see my graphic design work for more Australia Minerals.
Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage Report 2020
I managed the production of this short video for use on social media to engage with relevant stakeholders. I filmed it on a Canon 5D with video lights, recorded audio with a Zoom H4N microphone, edited in Adobe Premiere and animated in Adobe After Effects.
Mental Health Draft Report
2 minute summary of the Productivity Commission’s draft report in to Mental Health, released October 2019. The purpose of the video was raise awareness of the report and its key messages, and invite different groups including community groups and the general public to be involved by commenting or making a submission on their experiences or views on the draft recommendations for the upcoming final report. It has had around 10,000 views across YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, and was also featured on
A Better Way to Support Veterans
This video was developed as a communication tool to raise public awareness to the draft report and its recommendations. Produced using after effects, stock footage and images, and a recorded script.
2016 Christmas eCard - Geoscience Australia
2016 Geoscience Australia Christmas eCard. I used some existing assets from my recent uni work, illustrated a few more and added some sound effects to create this short animation.
Canberra timelapse/hyperlaspe
Time lapse/Hyper lapse created for a uni project. It took approximately 30 hours of shooting to create 3 minutes of video.
Animated Infographics
Created in 2015, designed in Illustrator and animated in After Effects.
T-shirt design animated
This was such a fun freelance job custom designing the 1984 themed t-shirt design - that I animated it for fun.
Draft report - Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Five-year assessment
This was the first video I produced at the Productivity Commission, it was a short turn around time and fun to create using After Effects, Illustrator, stock footage/music and a pre-recorded script.
Social Media ad for PC Grad program
I created this as part of the 2019 Productivity Commission grad campaign, it ran on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for 2 weeks. I also produced grad profile videos and other promotional material for social media and print for the campaign.
How Satellite Positioning Works
Communicating science and technology visually has been a part of my job I have really enjoyed. See the caption and link below for the lowdown on satellite positioning:
'Ever wonder how your phone knows where you are? It uses navigation satellites to triangulate your position from the distance to four or more satellites.'
Health Care animation
I used Adobe Illustrator and After Effects and some stock icons to create this Short animation for twitter, I based the content on the media release for the report.
Jimi - Peter Gunn Theme (cover)
Filmed when Jimi was six, experimenting with the green screen at uni.
Productivity Commission Graduate experience - Claire
I filmed and edited a series videos promoting the PC’s grad program.
Productivity Commission Graduate experience - Lawson
How do Productivity Commission reports come together?
As part of a series of short videos about what its like to work at the Productivity Commission, I produced, filmed, edited and animated this 1 minute video, describing how PC projects come together.
What is the best thing about working at the Productivity Commission?
As part of a series of short videos about what its like to work at the Productivity Commission, I produced, interviewed, filmed and edited these videos in March 2023.
Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap
I created this animation with Adobe Illustrator and After Effects, using artwork by Lani Balzan commissioned for this project.
Watson, ACT, Australia